Referencias de utilidad


BLOSS, F.D. (1970): Introducción a los Métodos de Cristalografía Óptica. Ed. Omega.

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DYAR, M.D., GUNTER, M. and TASA, D. (2008): Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America. 

EHLERS, E. G. (1987): Optical Mineralogy. Vol. 1. Theory and technique; vol. 2. Mineral descriptions. Blackwell Scientific Pub. Palo Alto.

GRIBBLE, C. D. and  HALL, A. J. (1985):  A practical introduction to optical mineralogy. George Allen & Unwin, Londres. 261 p.

HEINRICH, E.W. (1970): Identificación microscópica de los minerales. Urmo, Bilbao, 456 p.

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NESSE, W.D. (2004): Introduction to Optical Mineralogy. Oxford University Press.

PERKINS, D y HENKE, K.R. (2002): Minerales en lámina delgada. Pearson Educación S.A.

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PHILLIPS, W.R. (1971):  Mineral optics. Principles and techniques. W. H. Freeman, San Francisco.

RAITH, M.M., RAASE, P. and REINHARDT, J. (2012): Guide to Thin Section Microscopy (2ºed), 134p. 

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SCHMIDT, S.T. (2023). Transmitted Light Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals. An Introduction to Optical Mineralogy Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment. Springer Cham, XIII, 278 pp.

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WINCHELL, A.N. and WINCHELL, H. (1951): Elements of optical Mineralogy. An introduction to microscopic petrography. 4ª ed. (3 vol.) J. Wiley & Sons, New York.